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Accounts Management
  • Easily add expenses to manage the accounts effectively.
  • List all expenses for transparency and quick reference.
  • Monitor expenses over time to assess financial health.
Admin Dashboard
Expenses Overview

New Expenses

  • Types of Expenses : Specify the expense category (e.g., Utility, Salary) to organize expenses for better tracking.
  • Name of Expense : Enter a brief description for easy identification during reviews or audits.
  • Mode of Payment : Indicate the payment method (e.g., Cash, Card) to track how expenses are settled.
  • Price Amount : Provide the total expense amount, including any applicable taxes or fees for accurate records.
  • Date of Expense : Specify the date of the expense to assist in budget management and cash flow evaluation.
Collections Wash Type

Listing Expenses

  • Listing All Expenses : View a complete list of all recorded expenses, including:
    • Expenses Type : The category of the expense (e.g., Utility, Salary, Maintenance).
    • Expenses Name : A brief description of the expense for easy identification.
    • Payment Method : The method used for payment (e.g., Cash, Card, Bank Transfer).
    • Amount : The total cost associated with the expense.
    • Date : The date on which the expense was incurred.
  • Search and Filter : Use a search bar to quickly find specific expenses by name or type. Filter results based on payment method or date range for streamlined management.
  • Total Expenses Summary : Display a summary of total expenses incurred over a selected period, providing insights into spending patterns and helping with budget management.

Admin Accounts Management for Laundry Management Software: Streamlined Expense Tracking and Financial Oversight.

Easily add expenses to manage the accounts effectively, ensuring accurate financial tracking. List all expenses in a centralized database for transparency and quick reference. Monitor expenses over time to assess the financial health of the business and make informed decisions for sustained growth and operational efficiency.